The transformation of me

{September 11, 2012}   You are good enough!

Hello friends,

I know, I know. It has been over a month since my last post. My friend had to ask me when I was going to post again.  Even though she asked I still felt unmotivated to write.  Well after church on Sunday, and after reading one of my friends post yesterday about some of her struggles I decided to post.  Just to let you guys know why I don’t post on a regular basis.  I have issues. There are to many to name right now but I will discuss a few.  One of my major problems is a lack of focus, this is the root of many of my other issues as well. You see, I have many ideas, I am a dreamer, and I have goals. There is so much that I want to do with my life, but because I lack focus there isn’t much that I have accomplished in my 33 years. I have started many new things, only to not finish them.  You see I want so much for myself and my family but because I have failed to finish the things that I have started I am afraid.  Now fear is crippling me and causing me to second guess what God has created me to do. Coming to the realization of this has caused  me to have several emotional break downs, as a matter of fact I have to stop typing every so often so that I can stop crying and regain my composure.  You see I am such a positive and motivating person. I can motivate friends, family and even complete strangers, but I just feel empty most of the time.  I feel like there is only one person that I can truly talk to about my short comings and that is because this person has NEVER made me feel like I was in adequate. Thank you Mom, for never judging and always showing love, you are awesome! I have to get out of this rut, I cannot let this consume me.  Feeling inadequate is one of my other issues.  I think that it stems back to my childhood, wanting the love of my father but never  truly having it because he loved drugs more than anything else in this world.  I loved him as much as any child loves their father but I was never good enough, and as I got older he made sure that I knew it.  I am really digging deep to unearth some deep rooted issues and it hurts SO bad to face the truth, I just can’t stop crying.  Enough with this pity party, I can’t let this send me into a depression.  Dealing with my problems is the first step to fixing them.

Thank you to my pastor who’s sermon this Sunday was ” You are good enough”.  Awesome message and service by the way.  So even though, I am my biggest critic I am determined to change, for my sake, and for my family sake.  I refuse to stay the same.  I know that I am destined to be great and I will be.  I am taking small steps to overcome my issues, and there is a grocery list full of them, but one at a time.  I would love for the world to see me as God made me but I won’t live my life to satisfy others.  

Motivation moment:

Know that you are good enough. You were wonderfully made and there is nothing that anyone can say or do to change that.  You are beautiful, you are smart, you are enough! There is nothing wrong with being you. Get healthy, and be happy with who you are on the inside, and those who truly matter will love that person as well. We can always be better, but do it because that’s what you want for yourself. Remember “you is smart, you is kind, you is important!”





Be beautiful inside and out.

{August 2, 2012}   Zumba and friends!

Good morning all! I know that it has been a while since I have truly written in my blog, but it has been hard breaking thru this funk that I have been going thru over the last couple of months. I mean I was so motivated when I started this blog back in April. I was ready to just push myself to do the best that I could to lose this weight. I can’t even call it baby weight anymore because my baby will be a year old soon and I have yet to make it down to my pre baby weight. I have made some strides, but I am still disappointed in my laziness and lack of motivation. I mean just looking in the mirror should alone should push me to work out daily. Don’t get me wrong, I am not unhappy with myself but I am unhappy with my body. The thing is, I know that I can do it, normally when I have a goal in mind nothing can stop me from accomplishing it but it just seems so much harder to do now. I want to by any means necessary mentality again. I have realized that in the journey I just have to make time for me. I have two beautiful children and great husband, and I try to give them my time and energy. The thing is as I take care of them and their needs, but mine often get over looked. So I have decided to make me a priority! I know that it is going to be hard but I have to do it!

Anyhow, enough of my morning rant. I have a really good friend who has encouraged me to join a Zumba class with her at W.O.W fitness (war on weight). I have done Zumba a few other places and it was cool, but I think that I have found the place for me now. For $20 a month I have access to unlimited Zumba classes 5 days a week, and even though I have only done 2 classes ( which kicked my butt ) I loved every minute of it. The women/owners of the WOW fitness are very encouraging, as well as the participants of the class. The first day I thought I was going to die when I got home, but I felt better after a good night sleep. The second day, wasn’t as bad. I was completely soaked in sweat after the class, so I am looking forward to getting such an awesome workout on a regular basis. So my friend and I are both ex-military and she has been an awesome motivator, I see now she is not going to let me do anything less than 100%. Shout out to Key Fletcher, and thanks to everyone who comment on my posts and offer motivation, it is greatly appreciated! I hope to update you a couple of times a week with my workout progress. Anyone looking for a place to workout, try W.O.W. fitness they even offer free insanity classes twice a week, can beat that!

Motivational moment;

Sometime we mess up and get out of our healthy eating and workout routines, but don’t give up! As long as you have breath in your lungs you can start again. Make today the day you start over. Don’t say Monday I will do better, there is not better day than today to make a change in your life.

Every Accomplishment starts with a Decision to Try.

Another chance. #fitfluential

<img src="; alt="Get addicted


Stay motivated!


{July 20, 2012}   MO-TI-VA-SHUN!!!














A year from now...

You can DO IT!

{July 20, 2012}   I’m back on it!


Ok, it’s official, I am truly motivated. The funny thing about it is my motivation came from an unlikely source, or at least a source I never would have expected it to come from.  Now as a side note i had already begun to get back on track, very slowly but none the less.  I am trying to incorporate, lean clean and green eating as a way of life.  Sometimes the urge to eat unhealthy is over whelming, and I give in.  There are so many times my will power is so high that I can’t foresee the impending disappointment looming down the road.  I have come to the realization that I am not a finisher, but what can I do about it? I am always excited to start but then I fizzle out shortly after.  I need some help….somebody anybody?  Anyway, I am not afraid to start and that is what I am going to focus on, one day the habits that I am trying to set will stick, permanently!  So the source of my extra motivation is another blogger, this girl is funny and witty, she has an awesome view on life which make her blog AWESOME! You can find, funny stories, cool topics and lots of motivation. I have her link posted on my page, erinhasthoughts.

OK, motivation for today!

Don’t put off for tomorrow, what can be done today! I have to practice this myself, we all live full lives and can let the hustle and bustle of life cause us to put off the important things that will benefit us in the future. A healthy diet and exercise have to be a daily choice until it is habitual. Take time at night to plan your lunch for the next day, wake up 30 min earlier and fit in a workout. You will be glad you did and you will save money as well.  Small little changes makes a big difference.

My first change, fruit and veggies at every meal, what will you change?

{July 11, 2012}   Today’s motivators!





{June 28, 2012}   Zumba and 2 am don’t mix

Hey guys, I now I haven’t been blogging much lately but I guess I don’t feel very interesting lately. Not that I feel all that interesting any other time but I digress! So yesterday day one a super busy day for this stay at home mom. I did lots of laundry, cleaned house, my daughter was not feeling well so I ended up cleaning up her vomit. I cooked a couple times,took care of a very attached 9 month old and even went to check on my mother in law and went to Zumba. I was pretty beat and after cooking dinner I was ready to pass out but Micah had other ideas. This was one of the night that he decided to stay awake until, yep you guessed it 2am. I was so tired and so frustrated but I am momma and I can’t let things like this get me frazzled. So I said a short prayer for patience and sat up and watched tv with my little man, needless to say we both slept pretty late.
Ok, isn’t Zumba awesome?! I mostly feel like I want to pass out while I am doing it and I am definitely staring at the clock to see when it’s over but I feel pretty good. So I am going to add Zumba into my workout routine. You know my body should never get used to my workouts because I do about 4 of 5 different things, I even downloaded some workout apps. Anyhow, I will be going grocery shopping tomorrow so that I can do better on my health eating, back to eating clean and lean. I also have something new I am getting ready to try thanks to someone that God has placed in my life that just felt compelled to be a blessing. God is good that way!
Until next time TTFN!
Sis Mocha

Ok so I have realized that I am extremely out of shape. I mean I workout but no where near the level that I should be working at. So Wed when I did a run walk interval for 30 mins I was exhausted and tired. My legs felt like I was walking thru cement by the end of the workout. I have been really tired and sore but I plan on going
hard at it again. I am going
to challenge myself when I workout, to work harder and more efficiently, to push my self to workout at a moderate to intense pace for at least 45 min 4-5 days a week. So far so good this week I have worked out 3 days so far and I will be working out in the morning. I have become more aware of the things I have been eating lately so I am very optimistic about this month. So after I completed my workout I had done 3 miles and I am proud of that. I am trying this app called couch to 5k. I hope to do a marathon soon after I have completed the training, anyone interested in joining me? We can just walk it not run, if you are interested let me know!
Ok so after working out and going to my appointment like 7 hours early I decided to go and find a birthday present for Lyrick’s party on Saturday. I go to the Carter’s baby store and I thought I was in baby heaven. Everything was on a serious sale I could have gone crazy, but I didn’t. I found an outfit for the birthday girl and one for Micah for under 15$. I am a shopaholic so I had to get out of there as fast as I could.
Anyway have a great weekend lovelies!
Sis Mocha

{June 18, 2012}   A morning walk

So I go walking in my neighborhood. It nothing major just around the block about ten times or thirty minutes which ever I am feeling. Well it seems I have generated some attention on this particular walk. On one side of the block a taxi driver comments “dang girl, you walked around the block that fast!” I guess he doesn’t notice that I am in full power walk mode, who walks slow when they are power walking? So I proceed on around to the other side of the block where there is a funeral home. Well at the very moment that I am taking my walk the funeral home is getting a shipment of caskets and there is an employee out receiving the delivery. Well this isn’t blocking my walk at all but this man decide’s to comment as well “girl, you walked the block THAT fast?” Now when I say full power walking mode I mean exercise gear on, headphones, sneakers, headband, full sweat. I mean I thought it was pretty obvious that I was not on a leisurely stroll. So I picked up the pace and the next time around the block more comments. Next time I go walking in the neighborhood I am carrying a do not disturb sign and hanging it on my back!

Ok so for the month of May I didn’t do so well. I know the reasons why but I won’t give you guys any excuses.I did gain but I didn’t lose either. I exercised a couple times a week but I haven’t been making wise food choices. Normally I would cook different meals for me and the family but I just haven’t been putting in the extra effort. I really want the results but for some reason they won’t just magically appear:( I just have to try and keep my mind focused. There is something that my husband says to me that makes me want to try harder and do my best in everything but I will keep that between us two. I don’t think that he knows how much it motivates me, but it does a lot.
Sis Mocha

{June 7, 2012}   One whole chicken

Good morning all! Hope you are having an awesome week but the weekend is knocking on the backdoor just waiting to come in and get started. So anyways yesterday when thinking on what I would cook for dinner my mind goes the the whole chicken that I had taken out of the freezer the day before to thaw. Normally I just bake the whole chicken and just butcher it afterwards but his time I decided to channel my inner country girl and cut the chicken up into individual parts. I know right! Well this is a skill that my mother taught me when I was 10 (of course I jacked up many chickens learning how to cut one up) I don’t really remember us buying precut chicken unless it was the huge 10lbs back of leg quarters but anyway. I was a little apprehensive about it at first but I was sure that I still had it. I did an awesome job, perfectly cut and I marinated it in a grill masters season packet(tomato, basil and something I forget) and grilled it. It was awesome.
Ok so I like to try new things but I have yet to cook the frozen brussels sprouts that are in my freezer. Maybe today is the day, if my 9 year old likes them maybe they are worth trying. I’ll let you guys know how that turns out!

Any one have some summer recipes that they can share with me. I am running out of ideas!

Sis Mocha

{June 6, 2012}   That Big Dam bridge!

On Saturday, me and some of my family decided to go for a walk. We tightened up our shoe laces and made our way to the Big Dam Bridge. It was a beautiful day the weather couldn’t have been better, 70 degrees and sunny, who could ask for better? As we drove up my mom looked at the huge inclines and though twice, “maybe I should let y’all have this one” she stated but it was to late to turn back. She had to join us. The bridge is over a mile long one way and has two huge inclines. So me and Quantia Fletcher armed with our baby strollers started the walk. We took a brisk pace and finished pretty quickly in my eyes. Once we made it across my mother conveniently suggests that we stop for a while and enjoy the scenery. It is a lovely area but I think that she just needed to rest. Anyhow it was a great walk and the kids enjoyed being out in the fresh air. Walking on that bridge gave me a thought? Anyone interested in starting/ joining a walking club/group? Let me know if you are interested, we could walk indoors when it to hot but if we start now we might be able to enjoy a few days before it’s to unbearable.
Here is some info on the BDB

These are some pics of the kids during our walk.
Micah and Lyric



TTFN= Ta Ta for now!

et cetera